Policy & Privacy

Collected information

BabyRevo collects the following user information:

Email and password: Necessary for creating and accessing the account in the application. Password information is securely stored and not visible to the BabyRevo team.

The login mode for the App is done through Firebase Authentication. You can find more details at the link below:

Use of information

BabyRevo uses the collected information to:

Allow secure access to the user's account;

Personalize the user experience;

Provide customer support;

Send notifications related to the use of the application.

Sharing of information

BabyRevo does not share users' personal information with third parties, except when necessary to comply with legal requirements or protect our rights.

Through the App, the user can share a link for each baby gender reveal with family and friends. This link contains a reference ID (UUID) for the revelation; it is not sensitive user data but refers to the registration of the baby reveal made through the App.

Advertisements and redirects to third-party sites

BabyRevo displays ads that may redirect users to third-party sites. These sites have independent privacy policies, and BabyRevo has no control over the content or privacy practices of these sites.

Below are the links that redirect to third-party sites used in the BabyRevo application:

Cookies and similar technologies

Cookies refer to text files sent by websites to the user's computer, storing information related to navigation. Such information is related to access data such as location and access time, stored by the user's browser and visitor for the platform server to later read them to personalize the services of a website or application.

BabyRevo uses cookies and similar technologies to improve the user experience, customize content, and analyze the use of the application.

Information security

BabyRevo implements security measures to protect user information against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or unauthorized destruction.

To contact us and request the removal of your account data, please send an email to app@babyrevo.com

Changes to the privacy policy

BabyRevo reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. Changes will be communicated to users through notifications in the application or other appropriate means.